About 30% of children still wet the bed at age 4 years, 10% at age 6 years, 3% at age 12, and 1% at age 18. Bedwetting is more common in boys than girls and it seems to run in families.
Bedwetting usually occurs because the nerves supplying the bladder is slow to mature, so the child does not succeed waking when the bladder is full and needs emptying. Bedwetting can also be called a sleep disorder such as sleep walking and night terrors. Physical disorders commonly urinary tract infections-are found only 1 to 2% of children who wet. Other disorders, such as diabetes, rarely cause bedwetting. Bedwetting is sometimes caused by psychological problems, not only in children or in other family members, and sometimes are part of the symptoms of suspected sexual abuse.
Sometimes mengompolnya stop then start again. Recurrence of bedwetting is usually followed by a state or condition of psychological distress, but one of physical causes, especially urinary tract infections can be the cause.
Parents and children need to know bedwetting are common, where it can be fixed, and that no one should feel guilty about it. An older child that bedwetting can take responsibility by limiting drinks after dinner (especially drinks that contain caffeine), urinating before going to bed, recording wet and dry nights, and change clothes and sleep time bedwetting. Parents may choose to give children a decent reward (positive reinforcement) during the night did not wet the bed.
Premises for children younger than 6 years old, parents can avoid giving the child to drink 2 to 3 hours before bedtime and encourage the child urinate before going to bed. In most children this age, time and physical maturation solve the problem.
For children ages 6 to 7 years, a form of treatment is often indicated. Bedwetting alarms, which wake a child when little urine is known, is the most effective treatment. They treat bed-wetting about 70% of children, and only about 10 to 15% of children start wetting the bed again after the alarm stopped. Alarms are relatively inexpensive and easy to administer. In the first week after, the child woke up only after fully urinating. In the next week, kids wake up after urinating a little and maybe wet the bed less often. Finally, the need to urinate wake the child before bed-wetting. Most parents know that the alarm can be removed after a period of not wetting the bed for 3 weeks.
If bedwetting persists in older children and giving rewards after the alarm is tested, your doctor may prescribe imipramine. Imipramine is an antidepressant but is used to cope with bedwetting because of loosening and tightening the sphincter of the bladder that prevents urine flow. When imipramine work, usually work in the first week of treatment. This rapid response is the only real benefit of this drug, especially if parents and children feel they need to eliminate the problem quickly. After a month of not wetting, reduced drug doses for 2 to 4 weeks, then stop. However, about 75% of children eventually start wetting the bed again. If this occurs, treatment can be tried for 3 months.
Drugs are increasingly popular for bedwetting is desmopressin tablets or nasal spray. These drugs reduce the amount of urine, thereby reducing bedwetting. This drug is used during the period of 1 to 3 months and then stopped as quickly as possible. Can be used at any time, like when kids go camping.
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