This study says that the orange protects the body through its antioxidant properties and helps strengthen the immune system, which means that just inhibiting tumor growth and normalizing tumor cells.
Spanish group has recommended intake Hortiberia because orange is the fruit with more antioxidants, more than 170 different phytochemicals, including more than 60 flavonoids have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antitumor and anticoagulant.
Cardiovascular benefits
This study in Australia, which is based on analysis of 48 international studies on the health benefits of citrus, also found convincing evidence that intake of grapefruit and oranges may reduce the risk of heart disease, suffer from obesity, and diabetes.
Even if it comes to eating more citrus-day maximum is usually recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, also helps to reduce by 19% more likely to suffer a stroke.
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