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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Do not donated Lumpy blood!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Blood viscosity becomes one of the considerations for determining whether a person can donate blood. Gore should not be dodonorkan because it can harm the recipient. What is the gore?

Called blood is too thick, among others, if they contain erythrocytes or red blood cells above normal rates. Excess erythrocytes seen from one of the constituent components of the hemoglobin (Hb), which normally ranges between 11-12 g / dL for women or 12-16 g / dL for men.

Besides the blood viscosity is also measured by the ratio of the number of red blood cells to the blood volume, or also called hematocrit (Ht). Considered normal if the hematocrit figures are still in the range of 45-48 percent.

"Usually the blood called hemoglobin is too thick if it has reached 18 or 19, while hematocrit was between 50-60. Such blood may not be donated, "said an expert hematologist from the University of Gadjah Mada, Dr Johan Kurnianda, SpPD, KHOM (K).

Gore should not be donated because they have a higher risk of clots on the donor recipient. In fact, blood clots in blood vessels can lead to blockage and can have fatal consequences, including death from stroke and heart attack.

"PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) will usually reject a donor with a blood thick with ethical reasons. If blood is not healthy of course not be given to someone else, "added Dr Johan.

Meanwhile, Dr Johan denied that a certain diet can cause blood to become thick. According to him, fatty diet and not drinking is not the main cause, but will only aggravate the already thickened blood due to congenital abnormalities or other causes such as heart disease and lung cancer.

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