In recent years there has been a debate between the benefits of drinking beer or adverse effects on health. On one side is considered one of the healthy beverage for nutritional components and there are other people consider it synonymous with nutrition related problems in particular areas.
A study by researchers at McGill University in Montreal, which includes nearly 3,600 Canadian men aged 35 to 70 years found that those who drank an average of one drink per day had a higher risk of having a number of cancers, men who drank occasionally or not ever. These include: cancer, stomach, esophagus, colon, lung, liver, pancreas, and prostate.
When the researchers looked at individual types of alcohol, only beer was associated with an increased risk of cancer, but not wine. In general, the likelihood increases with respect to alcohol consumption during its lifetime, according to research findings published in Cancer Prevention.
Many studies have shown that moderate drinking (no more than a drink or two days) could be a healthy habit, especially in terms of risk of heart disease. But this study suggests that even moderate levels of consumption was associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, at least when you are drinking beer.
When asked whether moderate drinkers should be limited, the researchers can not be answered by a single study.
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