Obesity is the excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity is twice as common in adolescents since 30 years ago. Although most of the complications of obesity occur in adulthood, adolescents who are overweight are more likely than other teens to have high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Although fewer than a third of obese adults who are obese teenagers, most obese adolescents remain obese as adults.
Factors that influence obesity in adolescents is the same as in adults. Parents often notice that obesity is the result of endocrine diseases, such as jipertiroid, but some disorders are rarely the cause. Adolescents with weight gain caused by endocrine disruption was short and usually have other signs on the underlying condition. Most teens who are obese simply because of overeating and little exercise. Because of society's stigma against obesity, many obese adolescents have less self image and become more withdrawn and socially isolated.
Interventions for adolescent obesity should focus on the establishment of health food and exercise habits than to lose weight in a certain amount. Caloric intake is reduced by maintaining a balanced diet in foods these days, making permanent changes in eating habits and increasing physical activity. Summer camp for teenage obesity in America usually help them eliminate a significant amount of weight, but without the effort continues, the weight usually returns again. Counseling helps teens confront their problems, including less admired yourself, can help.
Medications that reduce body weight is usually not used for teens because the notice regarding the safety and potential abuse. One exception to teen obesity with a strong family history of diabetes type 2; those at high risk of developing diabetes. Drug metformin, used to treat diabetes, could help them lose weight and also minimize the risk of becoming diabetic.
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