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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How To Distinguish Sinusitis and Colds

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Colds are common symptoms include disease suffered in the transition period as it is now. However, if you make a lot of nasal mucus and symptoms do not disappear in a week, it's likely a sinus infection.

Sinusitis occurs when one or several layers of infected sinuses. Infection can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Two-thirds of sinusitis that occurs usually short, but there is also a chronic or repeatedly.

Here are the signs of discharge is not just a cold.

  1. Pain and distress in the face
    Sinuses are cavities in the bones around the nose. If a small cavity is blocked, mucus accumulation will occur so that there will be pain and weight in the face.

    Obstruction and inflammation of the sinuses can also cause the muscles around the temples and forehead rose causing head pain.

  2. Out thick mucus
    Mucus discharge thick yellow or green are the main signs of a sinus infection. Colored mucus is caused by white blood cells as a sign of the body's immune system is fighting an infection.

  3. Swollen nose
    Bacteria which breed in the sinus cavity will cause swelling. Although common in nasal swelling salesma or people suffering from flu, the swelling usually lasts sinusistis longer.

  4. Bad breath
    Bad breath is not pleasant to sinusitis symptoms resulting from accumulated mucus in the sinuses and nasal cavity and throat. Sinus infection-causing organisms will produce emissions that cause bad breath.

  5. Coughing up phlegm
    Coughing up phlegm is usually followed by a sinus infection. What distinguishes it is the symptoms of bronchitis cough is worse at night and early morning. This happens because at the time of the sinuses drain the fluid into the throat, thus stimulating cough receptors.

  6. Fever
    Experienced fever occurs because the body's immune system is fighting infection. In most cases, fever in the case of sinus infection is not high, but it also indicates that the infection is of long standing.

  7. The sense of smell does not work
    A sinus infection can dull the senses of smell due to the inflammation that occurs.

  8. Watery eyes
    If you are allergic to inhaled allergens such as pollen, animal dander, or dust mites, the body will take it as dangerous particles. Resistance that arises as a reaction to allergy symptoms is usually in the form of nasal congestion and watery eyes. This immune reaction can lead to sinusitis.

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